Lying is not Leadership

They say that former President Trump is the most prolific liar in the history of politics. (View Washington Post Article) This is unacceptable.  Good character and integrity are essential traits that all of us should possess, especially our politicians.  Unfortunately it’s sadly lacking in the Republican Party and its leader, Donald Trump.

Would you want your spouse to constantly lie to you?  How about your best friend or business partner?  Certainly not, and you wouldn’t hire anyone to work for you if they did.  So why would you want to vote in a President that constantly lies?  To let them hold the most powerful seat in the world?  How can they be trusted?  They can’t, and that’s why we’ve started a billboard campaign to remind everyone that lying is not leadership.

Our plan is to have as many, “Lying Is Not Leadership” billboards as possible based on contributions from people like yourself.  Digital billboards are expensive and can cost up $15,000 a month in highly populated urban settings.

Please consider a donation or visit our store.  A portion of the proceeds from the sale of all merchandise goes towards our “Lying is not Leadership” billboard campaign.

We will post the progress on our newsletter so don’t forget to sign up.

Thank you for your consideration and in the spirt of democracy, Ya Gotta Vote!

Biden Victory Fund Event March 28, 2024: NYC
Biden Victory Fund Event March 28, 2024: NYC
Biden Victory Fund Event March 28, 2024: NYC
Biden Victory Fund Event March 28, 2024: NYC